Postnatal & Parenthood Support
A little bit of postpartum support can make all the difference.
The way parenthood unfolds for families is unique for each individual. Becoming a parent is a transition that takes place within you, whether through birth or adoption. Perhaps you are already looking at your new born and your new role as parents, wishing the baby came with an instruction manual. You are not alone in this.
Caring for your baby is not a sprint, it is like a series of marathons on a track that changes as the days, weeks and months go by. I am available to mentor and support you in your journey after birth until your child is 5 years of age.
My role supporting you postpartum
If you didn't need extra support during birth, perhaps you need it in the early days after birth. I will help you after birth in areas such as: adjusting to parenthood, your emotional and physical recovery, parent bonding, infant feeding, infant soothing or basic infant care. Call me, I’m here to support you at any point in your parenthood journey.
Perhaps you're months or years down the parenting track and you need support with infant sleep patterns, starting solids, picky eaters, toliet training, returning to work, introducing alternative feeding options, spirited toddlers or childcare options. I am here to support you in your new role as a parent with compassionate, honest and unique care.
You are not alone, and I am here to help.
My role is to provide added support to families in collaboration with your Lead Matenity Carer. I do not take the role of your Lead Maternity Carer. The support that I provide is designed to assist you emotionally to find the skills to navigate through the postpartum and parenthood journey as it unfolds for you.
Ready to learn more? Let's Talk

Postnatal Care
Transform your unique beginning as a new family with postnatal care!
My postnatal package includes 6 hours of support: 4 x1 hour visits to your home and up to 4 x30min telephone/video calls, or 3 x2 hour visits. Whether you are needing support immediately after birth or beyond until your child reaches 5 years of age.
- Mentoring, transitioning into parenthood roles
- Child development milestones 0-5 years (adjusting to a new baby, sleeping, eating, toiletings)
- Breastfeeding support in my capacity as a Lactation Consultant
- Returning to work
- Birth Story Listening
- Closing the Bones
COST: $545
Or book a single hour-long visit for $100, including a 15min follow up telephone/video call 1-2 days after.