Birth Preparation Counselling
The journey ahead
Often when we are preparing for birth we are searching for answers. Maybe you are asking women who have birthed before, or your Lead Maternity Carer, these avenues are helpful. Unique Beginnings's believe you also need to ask yourself the question …. ‘what do I need to know, in order to birth my baby?’
Given how birth culture and practices have changed over the years, it is likely that you have misplaced the ability to trust our own instincts. Perhaps unknown to you, you have been taught to fear aspects of birth and how it might unfold. Often your birth choices are influenced by this.
‘No matter how much pressure our society may bring upon us to pretend otherwise, pregnancy, labor, and birth produce very powerful changes in women’s bodies, psyches, and lives, no matter by which exit route -natural or surgical- babies are born.” - Ina May Gaskin.
Birth is hard work! And you can do it!
How birth and parenthood unfolds for families is unique for each individual. It will certainly push you out of your comfort zone and challenge you. Often this can lead to feeling scared, confused, anxious and second guessing yourself. These emotions do not support birth or your parenthood journey. Potentially delaying labour or perhaps causing emotional distress in parenthood, if these concerns aren’t address. Would you be interested to discover what could help support you before/during/after birth?
Start your unique journey with Unique Beginnings
Unique Beginnings provide a birth preparation service that enables you to explore beyond your current comfort parameters prior to this changing and exciting time in your life. These classes and workshops are private and tailored to your unique need. They are safe from blame, shame and judgement. Enabling you to explore feelings, fears and hopes leading into your own unique birth. Perhaps you have concerns about where you will birth, how you will birth or previous birth experience's that are impacting your birth choices?

Childbirth Prep
Build your awareness and confidence with Birthing from Within antenatal classes.
Our Birthing From Within childbirth preparation classes include 4 sessions lasting 2 hours each in your home. Dates and times are flexible to work into your schedule. This custom learning environment also has the flexibility to flow in and around your unique concerns and interests in each session.
- Pain coping strategies.
- Your birth place and making decisions
- Understanding the stages of labour.
- Role of the birth partner.
- All of your birth options.
- Welcoming and feeding your baby
- Postpartum adjustment and parenting basics.
COST: $670
Perhaps you are wanting to focus on a specific topic that is unique to your own journey? I also offer a one off class of 3 hours for $300. Hand pick your priorities from the list above or get in touch to create your tailored class.